Do you drink Equality or Milk?
"I am a God"
fair and lovely - Youtube
Unilever (
/ˈjuːnɨliːvər/) is a British-Dutch multinational corporation that owns many of the world's consumer product brands in foods, beverages, cleaning agents and personal care products.
Last Updated: Tuesday, 7 August 2007, 14:13 GMT 15:13 UK
China drinks its milk
Asian mania for skin whitening
fair and lovely - Youtube
Unilever (
Last Updated: Tuesday, 7 August 2007, 14:13 GMT 15:13 UK
China drinks its milk
Asian mania for skin whitening
By Marilyn August
With rising incomes, more and more Asians are turning to products to lighten their skin color - and cosmetics giants are cashing in.
Swayed by advertising, TV soaps and blockbuster movies featuring glamorous models with creamy complexions, Asians are spending away in a rapidly expanding skin-whitening market.
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